International Orders
If you are placing an order from outside the United States, please use the following guidelines:
Wire Transfer There is an additional $50 fee for wire transfer. Please include your Customer Number, Order Number, or Invoice Number as a reference. Shipment We will ship your order via Federal Express or UPS and add the shipping cost to your invoice. If you prefer to use your own shipping account, please provide us with the account number. For online shopping cart orders, shipping cost does not show on the order screen. We will email you a copy of the invoice, which includes the shipping cost and tracking information. Other Charges The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to customs brokerage fees, import duties, and taxes after the shipment reaches the destination country. Additional charges are the responsibility of the recipient because we have no control over these government-imposed charges and cannot determine what they may be. Customs policies vary greatly among countries. Please contact your local customs office for information. |