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Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM, Verizon 2FF can be activated on Verizon Retail or VPP account
Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM, T-Mobile 2FF Retail Triple Punch SIM SKU ZZZ260R060
Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM, ATT 2FF, 4FF Triple punch, ATT Retail, or ATT APEX (Partner Exchange) rate plans, not compatible with ATT IoT/Jasper or FirstNet platform based accounts
Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM, Verizon ruggedized 4FF only, for Verizon Retail or VPP accounts
Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM, ATT, Various 310-280 UICC-I Trio SIM (2FF, 3FF, 4FF), AFF, supports 5G/4G/4G LTE data connectivity, HD Voice, not compatible with IoT or FirstNet platform based accounts
Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM, US Cellular, 2FF, 4FF Triple punch, 4G-5G plans, IoT Trio MAX – SIM 66.04
Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM, US Cellular, 2FF, 4FF Triple punch, Critical Connectivity plans, IoT Robust QPP – SIM 46.04
Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM insertion of 1 SIM per NetCloud package, must be combined with one of the following; 170594-000, 170752-000,170753-000, or 170638-001
Ericsson Cradlepoint SIM insertion of 2 SIM per NetCloud package, must be combined with two of the following; 170594-000, 170752-000,170753-000, or 170638-001